lotto bet slip click on ball
Round: | Extraction time:
Number of matches: 0
Total odd: 0,00
Total combinations 0
Stake (KSH)
- KSH (20% MT) = KSH
Bet per combinations 0,00
(KSH) 0,00
Choose a system
Too big odd
The minimal stake on a lotto bet is 10 KSH
Min. stake per combination is 1 KSH, number of combinations is , minimum stake is. KSH
Bet is too big. Maximum stake for this combination is KSH
Tax amount (KSH)
Net win 0,00
Total odd 0,00
Stake (KSH)
- KSH (20% MT) = KSH
Maximum winnings (KSH) 0,00
The minimal stake on a lotto bet is 10 KSH
Tax amount (KSH)
Net win 0,00
Bet slip: 0,00